Data protection policy

The company's data protection policy

Nordsk Alu Profil / NAP Production / NAP Building Systems (hereafter referred to as NAP) safeguards your personal integrity. This data protection policy explains how NAP collects and uses personal information. If you have any questions about privacy and data protection, please contact us at

When you contact us, e.g. to purchase a product or service from us, you accept our Data Protection Policy and our processing of your personal data. You also acknowledge that NAP uses electronic communication channels to send information to you.

In order to offer you our services and products, we need to process your personal data as stated below. We do this with the utmost regard for your privacy.

What information do we collect?

Collection and use of data

Denna dataskyddspolicy täcker data som samlas in online och offline, inklusive personuppgifter som vi kan komma att samla in genom flera olika kanaler, såsom webbplatser, sociala medier, kontakt per telefon eller mail och på evenemang/mässor. Vi kan komma att kombinera personuppgifter som samlats in på ett sätt (t.ex. en webbplats) med personuppgifter som har samlats in på ett annat sätt (t.ex. mässor, kundmöten).

This data protection policy covers data collected online and offline, including personal data that we may collect through a variety of channels, such as websites, social media, contact by phone or email, and at events/fairs. We may combine personal data collected in one way (e.g. a website) with personal data collected in another way (e.g. trade fairs, customer meetings).

Information that you provide to us: Du kan direkt eller indirekt komma att ge oss information om dig själv och ditt företag på ett antal olika sätt, såsom när du beställer eller gör en förfrågan om en produkt eller en tjänst som vi säljer, när du interagerar på våra sociala medier, eller när du kontaktar oss per mail, brev eller telefon. Denna information kan vara:

You may, directly or indirectly, provide us with information about yourself and your company in a number of ways, such as when you order or make a request for a product or service that we sell, when you interact with us on our social media channels, or when you contact us by e-mail, letter or phone. This information may be:
  • Personal and contact information - name, birth date, social security number, invoice and delivery address, e-mail, mobile phone number, role within the company etc.
  • Payment information - invoice information, bank account number, etc.
Information we collect about you: När du kommer i kontakt med oss kan vi samla in information om (observera att vi inte alltid nödvändigtvis samlar in all nedannämnd data):

When you come into contact with us, we may collect information about (please note that we do not necessarily always collect all the data stated below):
  • Personal and contact information - such as name, birth date, social security number, invoice and delivery address, e-mail, mobile phone number and role within the company.
  • Information about products/services - details about the products or services you have purchased/shown interest in purchasing.
  • Financial information – possible credits, debts or negative payment history.
  • Historical information - past purchases, payment and credit history.
The information you provide to us, the information we collect about you, as well as information about the products/services and the financial information, are generally necessary to enter into a contractual relationship with us, while the other information we collect is generally necessary for other purposes, as described below.

What do we do with the information?

Provides, executes and improves our services. All data används för att tillhandahålla, utföra och förbättra våra tjänster. NAP processes personal data for the following purposes based on the following legal grounds:

Purpose of the treatment- Legal basis for the treatment "why is the treatment necessary"

To confirm your identity and verify your personal and contact information Performing our contractual obligations to you

To fulfill our obligations to our customers and suppliers, as well as to provide our customers and other stakeholders with information, products and services. Performing our contractual obligations to you

To ensure that content is presented effectively to you and your unit. - Performing our contractual obligations to you

To perform risk analysis, prevent fraud and risk management. - Adhering to applicable legislation and other legitimate interests

To comply with applicable legislation, such as laws against money laundering and accounting laws. - Following the applicable legislation​​​​​​​

Who may we share the information with?

We may, in order to fulfill our obligations towards our customers and other stakeholders, transfer to, or share the information with third parties such as suppliers or subcontractors, authorized dealers and distributors or service providers. We take all reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures to ensure that the data is handled securely and with an adequate level of protection when transferring to or sharing with such third parties.

Authorities. We may provide the necessary information to the relevant authorities if we are required to do so by law or if you have agreed to let us do so.

We we WILL NOT do with the data. NAP will not sell the collected data to a third party. 

Where do we processs your personal data? 

NAP processes the data within the EU / EEA. NAP takes all reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures to ensure that the data is managed safely and with an adequate level of protection.

For how long do we store the data? 

We store data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data was collected, or to carry out our obligations and as long as required by statutory storage times, especially with regard to accounting requirements.

Your rights to access, correction and deletion

  • Rights to access your data. You have the right to request a copy of the information that NAP has about you and verify the information we have about you.
  • Right to correction. You have the right to correct incorrect or incomplete information about yourself.
  • Rätt to be deleted ("right to be forgotten"). Du har rätt att begära radering av dina personuppgifter för de fall att datan inte längre är nödvändig för det syfte den blev insamlad för. Det kan dock finnas legala skyldigheter som hindrar oss från att omedelbart radera delar av datan. Dessa skyldigheter kan komma från bokförings- och skattelagstiftning. Vad vi då gör är att blockera den data som vi är skyldiga att spara, från att kunna användas till andra syften än att uppfylla sådana legala skyldigheter.

You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data in cases where the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. However, there may be legal obligations that prevent us from immediately deleting parts of the data. These obligations may originate from accounting and tax legislation. In that case, we block the data we are obliged to store from being used for purposes other than fulfilling such legal obligations.

Cookies and similar technologies.

NAP may use cookies on its website to provide a user-friendly online experience. Read more about our cookie policy below.

Contact us

Nordisk Alu Profil has organization number 556658-2663 and an office on Kristinebergsvägen 13, 302 41 Halmstad, Sweden. Contact us at if you have any questions in regards to our processing of personal data or about this data protection policy. The data protection policy was latest updated on December, 4 2018

The company's use of cookies

Cookies & similar technologies
We may use cookies, web beacons and similar technologies (commonly called "cookies") to improve your experience on our site. What are cookies? Cookies are small text files consisting of letters and numbers. These are sent from our web server and saved on your device as below.

We use different cookies:
 Session cookies are temporary cookies that expire when you close your browser or app.
 Lasting cookies are cookies that remain on your computer until you remove them or they expire.
 First-party cookies are cookies set by the website you visit.
 Third-party cookies are cookies set by a third-party site.
 Web beacons are small transparent graphic images that may be exist in e-mail.

Similar technologies are those that store information in your browser or your device in a way that is similar to cookies and web beacons.

Why do we use cookies? The cookies we use usually improve the services we provide to you. Some of our services need cookies to work, while others are there to make our services more smooth for you.

How can you control the use of cookies? Your browser or device usually allows you to change the usage settings and the extent of cookies. Go to your browser or device settings to learn more how to adjust your cookie settings. For example, you can choose to block all cookies, only accept first-party cookies, or delete cookies when you close your browser. Keep in mind that some services may not work if you block or delete cookies.

Contact us
If you have any questions about data protection or cookies, please contact us at:

​​​​​​​This cookie policy was last updated December 4, 2018

Contact us

Nordisk Alu Profil AB
Kristinebergsvägen 13
SE-302 41 Halmstad

+46 35 22 75 30